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 allocmem()         Allocate DOS Memory Segment
 biosmemory()       Return Memory Size
 brk()              Change Data-Segment Space Allocation
 calloc()           Allocate and Zero Memory
 coreleft()         Return a Measure of Unused Memory
 farcalloc()        Allocate Memory from Far Heap
 farcoreleft()      Return Measure of Unused Memory in Far Heap
 farfree()          Free a Block from Far Heap
 farheapcheck()     Check the Far Heap
 farheapcheckfree() Check Free Blocks on Far Heap
 farheapchecknode() Check Node in Far Heap
 farheapfillfree()  Fill Free Block on Far Heap
 farheapwalk()      Walk Through Far Heap
 farmalloc()        Allocate Memory from Far Heap
 farrealloc()       Adjust Allocated Block in Far Heap
 FP_OFF()           Get or Set Offset Portion of a Far Pointer (Macro)
 FP_SEG()           Get or Set Segment Portion of a Far Pointer (Macro)
 free()             Deallocate Memory Block
 freemem()          Free a Previously Allocated MS-DOS Memory Block
 heapcheck()        Check the Heap
 heapcheckfree()    Check Free Heap Blocks for Constant Value
 heapchecknode()    Check a Node on the Heap
 heapfillfree()     Fill Free Heap Block With a Constant Value
 heapwalk()         Walk Through the Heap
 malloc()           Allocate Memory Block
 memccpy()          Copy Characters from Buffer
 memchr()           Find Character in Buffer
 memcmp()           Compare Characters from Two Buffers
 memcpy()           Copy Characters between Buffers
 memicmp()          Compare Characters in Two Buffers
 memmove()          Move a Block of Bytes
 memset()           Initialize Buffer
 movedata()         Copy Characters to a Different Segment
 movmem()           Move a Block of Bytes
 _OvrInitEms()      Initialize Expanded Memory for Overlays
 _OvrInitExt()      Initialize Extended Memory for Overlays
 peek()             Examine Word At Memory Location (Macro)
 peekb()            Examine Byte At Memory Location (Macro)
 poke()             Store Word Value at a Memory Location (Macro)
 pokeb()            Store a Byte at a Given Memory Location (Macro)
 realloc()          Reallocate Memory Block
 setblock()         Modify Size of MS-DOS Memory Segment
 setmem()           Assign a Value to Memory
 swab()             Swap Bytes
 sbrk()             Reset Break Value for Calling Process

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson